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Hire Amplify your earning potential within your Photography Business - Image 1

Amplify your earning potential within your Photography Business

No longer running
FUJIFILM House of Photography

This event is no longer running

Putting medium format in the spotlight and taking printed images to new levels.

Learn how to maximise profit from your business by combining high-quality prints from the medium format sensor.


With: Scott Johnson
Duration: 1 hour
Date: 12/7/24
Time: 17:00–18:00
Location: FUJIFILM House of Photography
Perfect for: Any photography business owners looking to maximise their earning potential.


What you’ll learn

This session will help you find your place in the ever-competitive market through the power of print.

At event printing - plant the seed at the event to increase post-event sales

More profit - using the larger format sensor will unlock bigger and more wall art sales for a better bottom line

Sales tactics - how to use certain words to help get the printed product over 


Meet your mentor

Scott Johnson has been a full-time photographer for over twenty years and has seen all trends come and go, but there has always been a constant — print.

In this keynote, Scott will explain how the power of print has helped keep his wedding photography at the forefront in Essex, and in this ever-changing industry, how staying the course has kept him ahead of the curve for two decades.

Scott works very closely with the FUJIFILM UK team to help other photographers find their place in this ever-competitive market. He has taught classes all over the world on this subject and has helped hundreds of photographers maximise their earning potential with just a few adjustments to their businesses.